International Education Week Photo Contest & Scavenger Hunt
Photo Contest
Looking for a fun way to get involved in IEW whether on or off campus? What about if you want to get involved, but you may not be a student? Look no further than the SMWC photo contest! Put together by the IEW committee at SMWC, please see the instructions below on how to participate!
SMWC is everywhere! Whether traveling abroad, in our own backyard or global friendships across the world – SMWC is part of the history and international experience of many. This photo contest is a way to showcase these connections and experiences!

Eligibility information is below, along with FAQs. Please note that your photo may be selected to be shared on the SMWC social media page.
Who is eligible to participate?
Students, faculty, and staff!
Deadline for submission?
Photos can be submitted from November 13 – 17th at noon, EST.
Where do I submit my photo?
Please send all photo submissions (as .png or .jpeg/.jpg) to Graduate Assistant, Emilee Roberts: emilee.roberts@5dexam.com.
Please save the image with a title and location in the world (Title, Location).
What should my photo be of?
Whatever YOU feel represents international education. This could be a photo of you traveling internationally, items in your home that you want to share regarding international education or a created collage of all the above. PLEASE BE SURE to include your name and best contact phone number in the email. (This way we can easily contact the winner!)
Winner and prizes
A committee of judges will select three winners, who will be contacted by the end of November. The three winners will receive a box of goodies from IEW, shipped to their homes. All photos will be shared on social media, so please share photos that you are comfortable sharing online by SMWC.
Scavenger Hunt
Come on a global scavenger hunt with us! Download the template and add your own pictures
Email submissions to Shelby Kuhlman, Ph.D. in Global Leadership Graduate Assistant (SKuhlman@5dexam.com) by noon Eastern Time on November 17th for your chance to win a Global SMWC IEW Package. Submissions may be shared with the SMWC community.